Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine includes Acupuncture, Herbal medicine, nutrition
and lifestyle strategies to build health, resilience and repair in the body. As our world
becomes more global, modern research in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is
integrating with traditional knowledge in brain and nervous system health. Here is an
overview of how we apply Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Concussion Recovery
and Stress Management, for both the injured person and their caregivers.
At Great Turning Healing Center, we collaborate with your health care team and our
medical supervisor, using a functional and integrative approach to concussion recovery
and stress management. To do this, we use the 3 T’s and the 5 Pillars of Health.
Our model uses Testing, Treatment and Teaching.
Testing involves laboratory testing, clinical diagnosis and assessments to understand the
underlying physical, biochemical and nutritional imbalances in your body.
Treatment includes acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutritional supplements,
individually prescribed for you by our Licensed Acupuncturists, supervising Medical
Doctor and collaborating Naturopathic Physician. We collaborate with your doctor and
do not prescribe medications.
Teaching means coaching and supporting you with specific tools and strategies so you
can heal and repair on your own, now and in the future. We tailor this to you. It may be
guidance on nutrition, what to eat and when to eat, how to optimize mental focus,
encourage sleep and relax the mind. We may give you meditation resources, educational
videos and referrals. We support your physical therapy exercise plan and help you build
routines in your self care.
Each of The 5 Pillars of Health are addressed with Testing, Treatment and
Digestion and Detoxification
Hormone Balance (blood sugar, stress hormone, thyroid and adrenal hormone balance)
Movement (exercise and sleep)
Brain Health (focus, memory, mood, wellbeing)
Treatment with Acupuncture
Your acupuncture treatment is both local and systemic. It will have a local effect to
reduce pain, and inflammation, and to promote circulation. It will also signal nerve
pathways to release calming chemicals, repair, relax and regulate tension in the nerves,
muscles and mood. Our goal is pain and stress relief.
Treatment with Herbal Medicine and Nutritional Supplements
Any herbs and supplements we prescribe are based on your individual assessment, using
high quality products supported by research. We may give you nutrients that balance
blood sugar and cortisols, balance neurotransmitters, repair digestion, support the gut
microbiome, reduce pain or promote quality sleep and energy. If you are on medications,
we carefully assess your herbs to avoid drug interactions. Our goal is better sleep,
physical energy and a healthy stress response.
Our goal at Great Turning Healing Center is to promote peace and wellbeing with
collaborative natural health care. We focus on getting to the root of your medical
condition, using the wisdom of Traditional Oriental Medicine and the science of modern
Integrative Medicine.
For more information please visit our website